Made With Love
I’m an artisan. I specialize in lovingly hand-crafting nuanced advertising campaigns to meet my clients’ objectives.
Think of your supermarket’s bread aisle. Chances are there’s a wide variety of breads for sale, at a wide variety of price points. In general, the higher-quality breads are pricier, and the lower-quality breads are cheaper. The highest-quality bread was probably made by hand. The lowest-quality bread was probably made by some factory that makes tens of thousands of loaves per day. My goal with my 1-man PPC operation is to be like the bread artisan. Sure, you can get a cheaper loaf of bread. But it won’t taste like the bread that was hand-made by the artisan. So it is with PPC. Sure, you can find management fees that are lower than mine. But you get what you pay for.
You’ll get a good feel for my PPC approach by perusing this website, but here’s a quick hit list:
It’s imperative that our incentives are aligned, not crossed.
Learn how to swim against the PPC tide.
Know what success looks like.
I have an innate drive to push forward and improve. We will never run out of things to improve. My approach is the opposite of ‘death by a thousand cuts’. Very few of my optimizations will have a large effect on their own; it’s the cumulative impact that makes the magic. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
If you need help with Local Service Ads or Shopping ads, I’ll refer you to a specialist. There are also a few other things I won’t touch.