
Every single display targeting method can be combined with every single other display targeting method. Think of these like Venn diagrams: the amount of overlap in the middle of the two circles is what gets targeted when you combine targeting.


You can use combinations to narrow in on your target audience with targeting methods that may be less specific than you would like. For our Mexican restaurant example, I would consider combining the ‘Frequently Eats Dinner Out’ affinity audience with the Mexican Cuisine topic. Note that topics and audiences are different types of targeting: the topic targets the PLACEMENT (regardless of who is looking at it) and the audience targets the PERSON (regardless of what placement they’re looking at). So combing a topic and an audience means that you’ll only reach that audience when they are also part of that topic. In this example, someone that frequently eats dinner out would theoretically be eligible to see our ad when looking at a placement that’s part of the Mexican cuisine topic. Maybe a recipe for chimichangas or whatever.


All sorts of doors are opened by ‘layering’ targeting methods in this manner.